In what seems like the blink of an eye, we suddenly have what looks like a real house. For months this summer, we’ve been doing prep work – all the things that go into the ground to make a house possible. It’s amazing how much work you have to do before you get anything that remotely resembles a home.
After all the conduit, well, road and foundation work, we finally got “out of the ground” and started putting up actual things people recognize.
We’ve spent more than a year imagining what things would look like and where they would go and it’s been fun to actually see the thing transforming before our eyes.
Here are some recent to document our progress.

Amanda wanted to create an effect where you could see through the house to the view corridor as you approached the house from the driveway.

A waterproof membrane was installed just in time to keep out the first snows of the winter. A standing seam metal roof will go in soon

A neighbor asked us how we were going to plow our flat roof, but it was engineered to hold the snow, so thankfully no plowing will be required.

Walls of windows on three sides of the Kitchen/Dining/Living Room will make you feel like you’re outside