The new year offered a fairly quiet month for animal footage – except the few times when things were super exciting.
We are running 11 cameras in our valley which includes 4 cameras at our son’s pre-school, and half of them had zero results for the month (aside from a few snowshoe hare). Even the ever-present deer seem to have moved to lower elevations for the winter.
There were a few thrilling exceptions, however.
The first week in January, Amanda happened to notice this bobcat prowling outside our bedroom window. We happened to be testing the video function on a camera at the time and it was on the ground right next to the house, so we got a brief but close-up view.

Right after the bob walked by, it nabbed a snowshoe hare and we spent about 15 minutes watching it gobble white fur from our house.

Another exciting find was this cougar walking within a foot of a camera. Probably one of the cats we were keeping tabs on over the summer.

Jeff also followed large cougar prints for several miles when skiing to check our cameras.

The best news this month was the marten which made a showing for the third month in a row at this site. We’ve now seen marten four months in a row after not seeing any for years.